
Elevate Your Landscape with

Premium Curbing Solutions

Transforming Your Yard with Custom Curbing

Custom landscape borders are a high-quality alternative to plastic or metal edging, that can enhance the curb appeal of your home and increase the perceived value of your property.

With multiple styles and colors to choose from, our trained professionals will transform your existing yard into a beautiful landscape, defined with hand crafted, custom curbing, setting you apart from your neighbors and turning heads at your beautifully developed property

Black Bear Borders specializes in creating custom landscape borders that are sure to last the elements and time while simultaneously bringing you a sense of pride for your home. The Black Bear professionals are trained and certified with proven methods and offer premium Landscape Borders for any budget.

Landscape curbing facts:

Edging and trimming time is reduced, giving you more time to enjoy your landscape, and the professional appearance adds value to your property.

Additionally it will not rust like steel, decompose like wood, break like plastic or move like brick.

Traditional Curbing:

Traditional Landscape curbing is more economical and durable than traditional lawn edging and comes in multiple colors and design options.

Natural Curbing:

Natural stone curbing is a great way to upgrade your landscape and is more durable than our traditional curbing. Our natural curbing comes with a 7-10 year guarantee and adds a more natural stone look.

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